Behance for Apple TV lets you stream high resolution images sourced from creatives on Behance. Select from galleries of images from top creative fields like Photography, Graphic Design, and Architecture. With our latest update, you can even sign in and view slideshows of your own work and collections.
Available Now on the Apple TV App Store

While logged out you can view slideshows from top creative fields, and even appreciate projects you'd like to view later.

You can sign in by connecting your iPhone and Apple TV to the same wireless network.

After signing in, you can view slideshows of your own projects, collections, and appreciations.

You can also search and create slideshows based on keywords. You can also save searches you like to view them later.

From a slideshow, you can see more information about a project from the sidebar. You can also appreciate and add it to a collection.

ART DIRECTION & DESIGN: Tyler Gough, Rich Kern, Zach McCullough & Eric Snowden
DEVELOPMENT TEAM: Jared Verdi & Brian Chon
Available Now on the Apple TV App Store